Moxydraw examples
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The easiest way to automate AutoCAD.

From design to drawings in seconds

The basics

MoxyDraw can work with both spreadsheet and text files but the latter are much faster.

As mentioned previously, MoxyDraw is an AutoCAD add-in. And AutoCAD works with coordinates.

The best way to calculate the coordinates of your drawing is from a spreadsheet. From there, you export all the commands and coordinates to a text file via a macro.

VBA macros are not your cup of tea? Here are some links to start with:

Export macro in text file because some people may not like spreadsheets with embedded macros.

Export macro embedded in Excel.

YoutubeHow to Export an Excel Range to a text file (VBA code included)?

Tests can be made with our freeware MoxyDrawLite:


YoutubeHow to Install and Uninstall MoxyDrawLite (Free and Very easy)?

Keep in mind MoxyDrawLite has only 7 commands instead of 84 for MoxyDraw.

What else? To see were to put the example files, go in MoxyDraw / MoxyDrawLite options:

MoxyDrawLite options
MoxyDrawLite options

MoxyDrawLite options

Here is a Youtube video that shows:

YoutubeHow to test MoxyDrawLite with the online examples?

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The easiest way to automate AutoCAD.
From design to drawings in seconds
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