Mleader for MoxyDraw

Creates a Mleader with or without text. It takes the dimscale on creation but is not linked to it.


arrow point X
arrow point Y
end point X
end point Y
arrow style
is spline
block name
block scale

arrow point X:

Sets the X for arrow point.

arrow point Y:

Sets the Y for arrow point.

end point X:

Sets the X for the leader end point.

end point Y:

Sets the Y for the leader end point.


Optional. Mleader text. If omitted, well, there will be no text. Here are some codes:

%%c = Displays the diameter character (Ø).

%%d = Displays the degree character (°).

%%p = Displays the tolerance character, plus-minus (±).

Here are some switches that can be used with dimension text or MTEXT in general:

\L = Starts the underline; \l = Stops the underline. Ex.: {\Lthis is underlined} or \Lthis is underlined\l

\O = Starts the overstrike; \o = Stops the overstrike. Ex.: {\Othis is overstriked} or \Othis is overstriked\o

\K = Starts the strike-through; \k = Stops the strike-through. Ex.: {\Kthis is strike-through} or \Kthis is strike-through\k

\P = New paragraph (new line)

\Q = Obliquing text by angle. Ex.: {\Q30This text is oblique} or \Q30;This one is oblique too

\H = Text height. Ex.: {\H3xThis is 3 times bigger} or \H0.5x;This text is half size

\W = Text width. Ex.: {\W0.5This text is half width} or \W2;This text is twice as wide

\f = Font selection. Ex.: {{\ftimes New Roman|b1|i1;This is Times New Roman} or \fscripts;This is Scripts. Where b is for bold (0 or 1), i is for italic (0 or 1).

\S = Stacking, fractions. Ex.: {\Sa^b;} or {\Sa/b;} or {\Sa#b;}

\T = Spacing between characters. Ex.: {\T1.5this text has 1.5x space between char} or \T3this one has 3x space between char

\~ = Non-wrapping space, hard space.

\ = Escape character. Ex.: \\ = "\", \{ = "{"

Color switches:

\C1 = Text color changes to red. Ex.: {\C1this text is red} or \C1this text is red or \C1; this text is red

\C2 = Text color changes to yellow. Ex.: {\C2this text is yellow} or \C2this text is yellow or \C2; this text is yellow

\C3 = Text color changes to green. Ex.: {\C3this text is green} or \C3this text is green or \C3; this text is green

\C4 = Text color changes to cyan. Ex.: {\C4this text is cyan} or \C4this text is cyan or \C4; this text is cyan

\C5 = Text color changes to blue. Ex.: {\C5this text is blue} or \C5this text is blue or \C5; this text is blue

\C6 = Text color changes to magenta. Ex.: {\C6this text is magenta} or \C6this text is magenta or \C6; this text is magenta

\C7 = Text color changes to white. Ex.: {\C7this text is white} or \C7this text is white or \C7; this text is white

ALL colors can be produced with the \C switch. Look at the below notes for an hint on to get the needed color code.

List example: {\fSymbol|b0|i0;·} item1\P{\fSymbol|b0|i0;·} item2

Simpler list example: 1. item1\P2. item2


• { } Braces - Defines the text area influenced by the code.

• Codes and braces can be nested up to 8 levels deep.

• Many codes can be placed together. Ex.: \L\C1\H2x\T2\fscripts;Your text here

Note that the best way to find the good code for you is to do a Mtext and manipulate its format. Once done, look at the generated code in the AutoCAD properties under text contents. But note that some of the codes from AutoCAD properties may not work...

arrow style:

Optional. Sets the arrow head style. If omitted, the selected arrow head in the dimstyle will be chosen. Here are all available arrow heads with their name to enter in MoxyDraw:


Note: All names are beginning by an underscore ( _ ).

is spline:

Optional. Sets whether the Mleader is a line or a spline (curve). Set it to "True" to get the leader as a spline, "False" or omitted, the leader will be a line.

block name:

Optional. Sets the block name. Here are all available blocks with their name to enter in MoxyDraw:


block scale:

Optional. Sets the block scale. If omitted, it will be set to 1.


Optional. This is the text for the second half of block "_DetailCallout" only and works only with it. If omitted, there will be no text. Same codes as any Mtext can be used:

%%c = Displays the diameter character (Ø).

%%d = Displays the degree character (°).

%%p = Displays the tolerance character, plus-minus (±).

Here are some switches that can be used with dimension text or MTEXT in general:

\L = Starts the underline; \l = Stops the underline. Ex.: {\Lthis is underlined} or \Lthis is underlined\l

\O = Starts the overstrike; \o = Stops the overstrike. Ex.: {\Othis is overstriked} or \Othis is overstriked\o

\K = Starts the strike-through; \k = Stops the strike-through. Ex.: {\Kthis is strike-through} or \Kthis is strike-through\k

\P = New paragraph (new line)

\Q = Obliquing text by angle. Ex.: {\Q30This text is oblique} or \Q30;This one is oblique too

\H = Text height. Ex.: {\H3xThis is 3 times bigger} or \H0.5x;This text is half size

\W = Text width. Ex.: {\W0.5This text is half width} or \W2;This text is twice as wide

\f = Font selection. Ex.: {{\ftimes New Roman|b1|i1;This is Times New Roman} or \fscripts;This is Scripts. Where b is for bold (0 or 1), i is for italic (0 or 1).

\S = Stacking, fractions. Ex.: {\Sa^b;} or {\Sa/b;} or {\Sa#b;}

\T = Spacing between characters. Ex.: {\T1.5this text has 1.5x space between char} or \T3this one has 3x space between char

\~ = Non-wrapping space, hard space.

\ = Escape character. Ex.: \\ = "\", \{ = "{"

Color switches:

\C1 = Text color changes to red. Ex.: {\C1this text is red} or \C1this text is red or \C1; this text is red

\C2 = Text color changes to yellow. Ex.: {\C2this text is yellow} or \C2this text is yellow or \C2; this text is yellow

\C3 = Text color changes to green. Ex.: {\C3this text is green} or \C3this text is green or \C3; this text is green

\C4 = Text color changes to cyan. Ex.: {\C4this text is cyan} or \C4this text is cyan or \C4; this text is cyan

\C5 = Text color changes to blue. Ex.: {\C5this text is blue} or \C5this text is blue or \C5; this text is blue

\C6 = Text color changes to magenta. Ex.: {\C6this text is magenta} or \C6this text is magenta or \C6; this text is magenta

\C7 = Text color changes to white. Ex.: {\C7this text is white} or \C7this text is white or \C7; this text is white

ALL colors can be produced with the \C switch. Look at the below notes for an hint on to get the needed color code.

List example: {\fSymbol|b0|i0;·} item1\P{\fSymbol|b0|i0;·} item2

Simpler list example: 1. item1\P2. item2


• { } Braces - Defines the text area influenced by the code.

• Codes and braces can be nested up to 8 levels deep.

• Many codes can be placed together. Ex.: \L\C1\H2x\T2\fscripts;Your text here

Note that the best way to find the good code for you is to do a Mtext and manipulate its format. Once done, look at the generated code in the AutoCAD properties under text contents. But note that some of the codes from AutoCAD properties may not work...