Hatch for MoxyDraw

Creates a non associative hatch.


pick position X
pick position Y
hatch pattern name
back color
grad color 1
grad color 2

pick position X:

Sets the X for the pick position point.

pick position Y:

Sets the Y for the pick position point.

hatch pattern name:

Sets the hatch pattern name. Here are the available pattern name:


Hint: Check inside AutoCAD what hatch pattern name you may have installed in your computer.


Optional. Sets the hatch scale for non-gradient hatch. If omitted, it will be set to 1.


Optional. Sets the hatch angle. Angles are in degrees and counter-clock wise. If omitted, it will be set to 0.


back color:

Optional. Fills the background with chosen color for non-gradient hatches. If omitted, background color will be transparent. Color can be either an index number (from 1 to 255), its English name (black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white or yellow) or an RGB color (ex: 101,135,77).

grad color 1:

Optional. Sets the first gradient color for gradient hatches only. If omitted, it will be set to white. Color can be either an index number (from 1 to 255), its English name (black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white or yellow) or an RGB color (ex: 101,135,77).

grad color 2:

Optional. Sets the second gradient color for gradient hatches only. If omitted, it will be set to white. Color can be either an index number (from 1 to 255), its English name (black, blue, cyan, green, magenta, red, white or yellow) or an RGB color (ex: 101,135,77).