FindAndReplace for MoxyDraw

Finds and replaces text in drawings.


search text
replace text
is case sensitive
all drawing
all open document

search text:

Sets the text to search.

replace text:

Sets the text to replace.

is case sensitive:

Optional. Determines if the search is case sensitive or not. Set it to "True" to make the search case sensitive. If set to "False" or omitted the search will not be case sensitive.

all drawing:

Optional. Determines if the search has to be done on all spaces (model space and all layouts). Set it to "True" to search into all the spaces. If set to "False" or omitted the search will be done in the active space only.

all open document:

Optional. Determines if the search has to be done on all open documents. Set it to "True" to search into all open documents. If set to "False" or omitted the search will be done in the active drawing only.


Works with DBTEXT, MTEXT, LEADER, MLEADER, TABLE, all dimensions types, attributes.