ArrayPolar for MoxyDraw

Creates a polar array.


center point X
center point Y
numbers of items
angle to fill (degrees)
Rotate objects
obj select method
window point1 X
window point1 Y
window point2 X
window point2 Y

center point X:

Sets the center point X.

center point Y:

Sets the center point Y.

numbers of items:

Sets the number of items in the array.

angle to fill (degrees):

Optional. Sets the angle to fill in degrees. Positive value will create the array counter-clock wise while negative value will create the array clock wise. If omitted, it will be set to 360.

Rotate objects:

Optional. True or False. Determines if objects shall be rotated in array. If set to TRUE, objects will be rotated, otherwise not. If omitted, it will be set to true.

obj select method:

Sets the object selection method with these available options:

all = All objects in the drawing space will be selected. No window point required.

fence = All objects touching that fence (or line in this case) will be selected. Window point 1 and 2 required.

crossingWindow = All objects inside or partially inside or touching the window will be selected. Window point 1 and 2 required.

last = Last object created only will be selected. No window point required.

point = All objects on this point will be selected. Only window point 1 required.

previous = Last object(s) selected will be selected again. No window point required.

window = All objects COMPLETELY inside the selection window will be selected. Window point 1 and 2 required.

window point1 X:

Optional. Sets the X for the first window point.

window point1 Y:

Optional. Sets the Y for the first window point.

window point2 X:

Optional. Sets the X for the second window point.

window point1 Y:

Optional. Sets the Y for the second window point.